Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Jakarta Midnight Earthquake

Thursday, 9th August 2007, 00:11, Earthquake in Jakarta, when I just pulled my bed cover, suddenly I was shaken, I thought that I had a wrong position for sleeping but then when I stood up it was really moving. So I ran to wake up my family. I saw the lamp, the mirror, and the water on the glass all moving. It was quite a shocking earthquake. Thanks God nothing damaged. Thank you Jesus…

Based on the news, the earthquake came from central Java.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

TW Youth Rocks Liquid at Explosion

True Worshippers Youth rocks Liquid [youth community] at Jelambar. The event itself called "Explosion". There are Ivan as a WL [Worship Leader], Winny, Monic, & Kenny as a singer, Ezra as drummer, Fonda, Rio, and William H. as guitarist, Gopas as the keyboardist, aslo Andriyanto as the bassist at the praise and worship evening, anyway last but not the least Lukas Kailimang as the Manager. There are arround 60 people.

Something nice... I saw most of the youth going home using a traditional transportation of Indonesia, called "Becak" it flashed me back to my 7 years age. If you don't know becak just come to Indonesia and use em... you will like to have it one to your country [outside indonesia].

Anyway The Explosion done very well, in the middle of the worship, our Pastor Kenny told us short sermon. Preach it Pastor! :D I think that's all for the Explosion - Liquid.

Mr. Time Out

It's been a trade mark of this man. Everyone arround him have to know the code of his secret weapon :p wait a minute... time out [one palm, vertical and the other palm horizontally on top of the other palm, look like "T" word] ga penting kali yeee.... Well anyway before he leave to U.S. As a part of Oxygen, would like to say thank you for the effort & impact to this generation. He is a great SSO [Sunday Service Officer], dicipline time keeper, passionate TW Youth Manager, also inspiring D.A.T.E Leader. Good Job bro!

I heard that he wrote a really special report, well more than just special, also detail. A lot of people applaud him for a great work and dedication... Weitssss Time Out Guys!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Pemilihan Gubernur Jakarta

Tampaknya tanggal 8 Agustus 2007 merupakan hari yang cukup bersejarah di mana Gubernur Jakarta kali ini di pilih secara langsung oleh warga kota Jakarta sendiri. 2 calon gubernur Fauzi B. & Adang D. Keduanya memiliki potensi namun hanya satu saja yang bisa menduduki kursi sebagai gurbernur Jakarta. Persaingan mereka ber-2 cukup ketat hingga di akhiri dengan pemenang H. Fauzi Bowo, Adang pun menerima dengan lapang dada, sehingga pemilihan pun berjalan dengan baik. Terima kasih buat usaha keduanya dan sebagai warga Jakarta kami mengharapkan kinerja gubernur dalam membangun kota Jakarta semakin tertib.